240W 6 Bands Prison Jammer
Model No.:JAM75H
5 omni antennas high power radio frequency jammer,total 75w ,high power jammerDescription:Each band power 0-15W adjustable, total 75W high power, block range up to 100 meters.Nice out looking, can be upgrade into remote monitoring type operate through internet.Taking use of technology of interference superhigh frequency. High effective channel power with rater big semidiameter of interception.Effectively making subsections, just interfering downlink and causing no interception of base station.
Average out-putting power
Channel out-putting power
CDMA 851-894MHz(or 4G 725 - 770Mhz)
GSM 925-960MHz(or 4G 790 - 862MHZ)
15.4 dBm/30KHz(min)
DCS 1805-1880Hz(or PCS 1920-1990MHz)
3G 2120-2170MHz
4G 2300-2400MHz(or Wifi 2.4-2.5G)
Power:AC220V-DC27V Antenna: 5 pcs directional penal antennas
Jamming Range(Radius) 20-100m(depend on site BTS signal intensity and environment conditions)
Net Weight:15Kg Dimension: (L*W*H) 56*33*27cm Humidity: 30%-95%
Running temperature: -40 to +55 Celsius Degree Working Hours:24 hours.
This model can be custom make for any 5 bands or 6 bands Frequencies:
GSM: 925 - 960MHz (for Europe)DCS: 1805 - 1880MHz (for Europe)CDMA: 851 - 894MHz (for USA)PCS: 1920 - 1990MHz (for USA)3G: 2110 - 2170MHzGPS: 1570MHZ -1610MHZWIFI: 2400 - 2500MHZLOJACK: 168MHZ - 178MHZ4G: 790 - 862MHZ (for Europe)4G: 2620 - 2690MHZ (for Europe)4G: 725MHZ-785MHZ (for USA)4G: 2300MHZ-2400MHZ (for USA)
Advantage:1. with good cooling system, can operate for long time.2 Control: turn on/off and adjust output power by hand.3. High effective channel power with rater big semi-diameter of interception.4. Effectively making subsections, just interfering downlink and causing no interception of base station. Applications:1. Conference room, auditoriums, law court, library, exam room, school, cinema, theater, museum,hospital etc.2. Places where using mobile phones is prohibited such as Service Station, Security Services, Military Units, Border Patrol and Drug Enforcement, Customs, etc.
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