Optima gps jammer gun | Covert Portable GPS Jammer
Covert Portable GPS Jammer
Product Description
Covert Portable GPS Jammer
Easy to conceal
Full metal casing
Charge and Operation Indicator LEDsAre you sick of being tracked like a criminal? This portable GPS jammer will ensure you can do what you want without big brother looking over your shoulder. Lightweight and easy to conceal this jammer will block all GPS tracking devices signal out to a range of 10m from the unit. Useful car and mains power adapters are included to ensure protection all day. Great for use in the company car for when you choose to have a long lunch.Buy now from alljammer.com at our factory direct wholesale price with no M.O.Q. (no minimum order quantity) and protect yourself. Better still, get one for yourself and then buy additional units to resell on eBay to other concerned citizens. Make money for yourself and also help people protect their privacy - a win-win for everyone! Get yours now!! Note: Before purchasing this item, please check your local laws and import restrictions for this type of device.
Technical Specifications
Main Function: GPS Signal Jammer
Working Band: 1500-1600MHz
Typical Coverage: 10 meters
Total output power: 0.5W
Transmit Power: 10dBm
Typical Battery Life: 3 hours
Working Temperature: (-30)-(+60) Degree Celsius
No antenna: 96 * 45 * 17mm
Antenna attached: 169 * 45 * 17mm
Car Charger
AC Power Charger(100-240V)
Detachable Antenna
Buy Extra AC charger here
Buy Extra Car charger here
Note: The jamming distances we mentioned on website are for customer’s reference only. The actual jamming distance will be varied depending on the signal strength and the use location and if full charges, etc.
optima gps jammer gun
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item: Optima gps jammer gun | Covert Portable GPS Jammer
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