Audio Recorder Jammer + 8 Meters
Audio Recorder Jammer + 8 Meters
Product Description Features This Audio recorder jammer is a device that prevents the non-authorized recording of your conversations with audio cassette recorders or audio digital recorders. Jammer suppresses the operation of the recorders by radiating noise interference. The parameters of the noise interference are specially adapted for suppression of many types of recorders. It improves the functioning performance of the  audio recorder jammer. In addition, you can use the audio recorder jammer to protect yourself from being listened by many types of the eavesdropping devices such as audio mini transmitters. You can use the audio recorder jammer as desktop device in your office, as standalone device in your briefcase. It is specially designed to show clock and disguise its actual functioning. You can put any office item on top of it (such as phone set, penholder, etc.). Thus, you can hide functioning of the audio recorder jammer from anyone who is trying to get confidential information. Important Remarks for Use Guideline: This device mainly supports Cassette Recorder and Digital Recorder only, mobile phone audio recording is unavailable for this audio jammer; Please make sure the unit full charged before use, do not use the jammer while charging; The jamming performance will be affected if the jammer antenna direction is not the same with the recorder location.(Antenna direction: on the right side of the jammer if you look towards the display panel, also the antenna point to right)   Technical Specifications Jamming Area: Up to 8meters (Depends on signal strength, at the site to be jammed) Distance of suppression:            For Digital Recorder, 0.5-1 meters;            For Cassette Recorder, Up to 8 meters (26 feet). Suppression beam-width: Horizontal: 150° Vertical: 120° Remote control range: 10m (33 feet) Power Supply: 14.4VDC; 4500mAh Ni-MH; 110V-240VAC international power adaptor. Dimension: 290x210x30 mm Product weight: 2.5kg Package weight: 4.5kg Working Time: Up to 3 hrs Accessories Audio Recorder Jammer Remote controller Power adapter Note: The jamming distances we mentioned on website are for customer’s reference only. The actual jamming distance will be varied depending on the signal strength and the use location and if full charges, etc.

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