Jual gps jammer surabaya snow - DZ-808M-C-14 4g Cell Phone Jammer With 2 Fans , 3-4 Watt Per Band
DZ-808M-C-14 4g Cell Phone Jammer With 2 Fans , 3-4 Watt Per Band
![DZ-808M-C-14 4g Cell Phone Jammer With 2 Fans , 3-4 Watt Per Band](http://www.signaljammerdevice.com/photo/pc13387064-dz_808m_c_14_4g_cell_phone_jammer_with_2_fans_3_4_watt_per_band.jpg)
power adjustable wireless signal jammer device,frequency can be customised,3-4watt per band
DZ-808M-14- C have series type: Power Adjustable type,8 bands, 14 bands type block 2G, 3G ,4G and Bluetooth completely. With adjustable outpower function, apply for prisons, detention centers, labor camps, etc, and other places need a long time uninterrupted work.
1.The jammer adopts DC 24v power supply. It is equipped with a precision voltage regulator circuit, even if the voltage fluctuation is changeable, it also won't affect the normal work .
2. Host cooling structure of shell is by professional design,also with good quality fans, It can endure high temperature environment, by transferring heat quickly to the heat exchange surface, avoid heat local accumulation.
The style is concise, beautiful, generous but not breaking vogue.
it is suitable for use in school examination rooms, prisons, clubhouses and government departments.
power adjustable wireless signal jammer device Specifications:
Running temperature:-10 to +55 Celsius Degree
power adjustable wireless signal jammer device Product Features:
1,With good-looking appearance;
2,With built-in omnidirectional antennas;
3,With built-in Power adapter;
4,Effective output power(channel power) to insure big jamming radius;
5,Each frequency with independent switch to adjust output power;
6,This kit is easy to install and use.
power adjustable wireless signal jammer device Competitive Advantage:
1. with good cooling system, can operate for long time.
2. Perfect Alarm System, fully protected circuit in case of disconnection of antennas.
3. shielding all 2G, 3G,4G signals, frequencies can be customized by customers.
4. this jammer can be customized as 8 or 14 bands.
1. Conference room, law court, library, exam room, school, cinema, theater, museum, hospital etc.
2. such as Service Station, Security Services, Military Units, Border Patrol and Drug Enforcement, Customs, etc.
jual gps jammer surabaya snow
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item: Jual gps jammer surabaya snow - DZ-808M-C-14 4g Cell Phone Jammer With 2 Fans , 3-4 Watt Per Band
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