Jammergsm - Adjustable Power Radio Frequency Jammer / Radio Signal Blocker With Antennas
Adjustable Power Radio Frequency Jammer / Radio Signal Blocker With Antennas
![Adjustable Power Radio Frequency Jammer / Radio Signal Blocker With Antennas](http://www.signaljammerdevice.com/photo/pc14204251-adjustable_power_radio_frequency_jammer_radio_signal_blocker_with_antennas.jpg)
Adjustable Power Radio Frequency Jammer / Radio Signal Blocker With Antennas
DZ-808M-8- C ,can be designed into 8 bands or 14 bands .
With adjustable outpower function: use knob switch to control output power of each band.
The 8 antennas are built-in,keeping the jammer looks genial.
the frequency can be customised as specific requirements.
1. With high channel output power ,to ensure the radius range
2. Just interfering downlink and no interception on the base station.
3. With good quality heat sink and cooling fans ,ensures the jammer a long time continuous operation.
4.It is easy to operate. Just input 220V AC and switch on ,then it begins to work.
Output power adjustable Cell Phone Signal Jammer Specifications:
Output port
RF power
Output power
851-894 MHz
720-770 MHZ
925-960 MHz
1805-1880 MHz
1920-1990 MHZ
2110-2170 MHz
2400-2500 MHz
2620-2690 MHZ
Power supply: AC adapter (AC220V-DC19V)
The frequencies can be customized as the specific requirement
Semidiameter of interception:2m-30m(depend on site signal strength and environment condition)
RF output power :30watts Gross weight: 3.6KG SIZE:
Side(lengthXwindXhigh):350X278X98mm Working Hours:continuous
Humidity: 30%-95% Running Temperature: -20 to +55 Celsius Degree
8 channel radio frequency jammer, With Output Power Adjustable Switch and built-in antennas Product Features:
1,With 8 pcs built-in omnidirectional antennas;
2.Integrated built-in Power adapter,just the AC power wire is outside.
3, this model can hang on the wall ,cause no any inharmonious feels
1. examination room,conference room, law court, library, school, cinema, theater, museum, hospital etc.
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item: Jammergsm - Adjustable Power Radio Frequency Jammer / Radio Signal Blocker With Antennas
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