Cell Phone Signal Booster for GSM900 and 3G
Cell Phone Signal Booster for GSM900 and 3G
Product Description Just like other Cell Phone Signal Boosters, this Cell Phone Signal Booster for GSM900 and 3G can be applied into different places; small regions signal blind or weak signal areas, such as underground or semi-underground place of business, basements, underground parking, etc. Also this booster is popular with small-scale hot-spot signal Complaints areas, such as conference rooms ,a small supermarket, small shopping malls ,the office and small public areas ,etc. Traffic and large social influence areas ,such as bars ,cafes ,dance halls ,cafes ,fitness clubs and leisure etc. Some other occasions you can also see it. Elevator, lift wells in particular, home, office, luxury yachts, private cars, public security system and road safety management, etc. If you are still bored with the weak signals time when you are making important calls, improve your phone life, start from here, and directly purchase one for adding more security for your present life.   Cell Phone Signal Booster for GSM900 and 3G Specification Frequency range -Uplink GSM890-915MHz, 3G 1920-1980MHz -Downlink GSM935-960MHz, 3G 2110-2170MHz Gain -Up link: Gp≥55dB,Downlink: Gp≥60dB -Up link: Gp≥50dB,Downlink: Gp≥55dB Output up: -GSM Up link 15dBm,3G Up link 13dBm -GSM Downlink: 17dBm, 3G Downlink: 15dBm Function: -Power supply LED denote -Export power LED denote Port VSWR:≤1.8DB I/O impedence: 50Ω/N connector ALC:≥20dB In-Band ripple:≤6dB Noise figure:≤6dB Transmission delay:≤0.5μs Gross Weight: 760G Power supply: AC: 110-240V   DC: 5V Size: 170*105*30mm Coverage area: 60Sqm Accessories Cell Phone Signal Booster Indoor Antenna Outdoor Antenna Power Adapter Coaxial Cable 5M Coaxial Cable 10M Indoor Antenna Accessories and Screws User Manual Note:Please be clear about which frequency you want to boost. You must check your local Mobile Frequency range and choose the booster as per your required Frequency. Please check your country’s Mobile Frequency here. http://worldtimezone.net/gsm.html

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item: How to make a gps jammer , Cell Phone Signal Booster for GSM900 and 3G 5 12 votes