HIGH POWER PORTABLE RF JAMMER Model No.:JAM101L JAM101L is a Portable Rf Jammers ,There are three types of the device:Portable cellphone jammers, Portable cellphone Wifi Jammers,Portable Cellphone GPS Jammers JAM101L is middle RF power man-pack jammer, accurate VVIP jammers designed for outdoor use. Developed on explicit request of different military and governmental institutions around the world, this powerful jammer offers an effective blocking range that can reach hundreds of meters, depending on environmental conditions. This man-pack jammer can be carried by a person in areas that are under risk of encountering remote controlled improvised explosive devices. JAM101L Man Pack jammer is designed to protect soldiers and law enforcement foot patrols against RF radio controlled bombs, or from terrorists radioing their exact location Features: 1.Each band power can be adjusted separately. Each unit can turn ON/OFF separately 2.Auto Alarm & Auto Cease function for incorrect using way, system fault, high working temperature, high VSWR 3.With DDS module, output power adjusting per Band and Bandwidth adjusting within Band far away from 200 meters by wire control penal 4.Output power on/off per band 5.Can working continuously more than 24hours 6.Taking use of super-high frequency with high effective power 7.Only interfere downlink frequency of mobile system, without disturb normally working of Base Stations 8.Good performances of waterproof, anti-corrosion, and anti-rust 9.Effective output power (channel power) and bigger interfere radius 10.Imported elements: Slow start up design of circuit, these elements can maintain the stable operation condition with high integration 11.Frequency Bands from 20Mhz - 2500Mhz Product Details: JAM101L is a state-of-the-art efficient cellular /Satellite mobile phone jammer designed for bomb disposal security applications, like Troop marching and filed operation The jammer is constructed to block continuously and simultaneously up to five frequency bands Its smart active cooling system enables non-stopped use even in a very hard climatic and weather condition The user-friendly system is integrated into a trolley type weatherproof and shockproof pelican case Frequency bands include all the cellular phone system or Satellite system optional RF output power up to 500Watt Choice of Frequency bands from 20-2500 MHz , as required Specifications: 1.TX-Frequency: From 20MHz to 2500MHz,full band no gap Note: Block frequency from 20-2500MHz optional Power Division: Frequency Band (MHz)     Output Power (W) 20-200MHz:                         50W 200-500MHz:                       50W 500-750MHz:                       50W 750-1000MHz:                     50W 1000-1500MHz:                   50W 1500-2000MHz:                   50W 2000-2500MHz:                   50W 851-894MHz:                        50W 925-960MHz:                        50W 1805-1990MHz:                    50W 2110-2170MHz:                    50W 2.Total out-put power:500W 3.Antenna: Total 10 pcs Omni directional antennas. 9 pieces 0.6 meters long,1 piece 2.4 meters long and have two port 4.Block radius:50-500 meters depend on site signal strength and environment condition 6.Jammer kit Net Weight:40KG Dimension:1pcs/ctn 55*32*64cm 7.Accessories: AC cable, Cables with N-male connectors for both sides Application: Bomb disposal and vehicle mounting for military complexes Filed Operation activity Special Police Authorities VIP convoy for security purpose Large conference, Infantry units, military security forces, SWAT teams, anti-terror units, anti-drug units, riot control teams, checkpoint personnel, hostage negotiators and border control agents

high quality gps jammer yakima

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