High quality gps jammer device | Cell Phone Signal Booster for GSM 900MHz
Cell Phone Signal Booster for GSM 900MHz
Product Description
High-gain linear power amplifier
ALC technology
Ultra-low noise receive amplifier
There is no interference to the base station, after the opening the original system and the base station without the need to adjust parameters
Stable and reliable electromagnetic compatibility design
The base station does not cause an increase in background noise, but will not lead to a decline in the quality of the base station communications
With full-duplex communication mode
Technical Specifications
Working system: GSM
Frequency range:-uplink: 890-915MHz-Downlink: 935~960MHz
Output up:-Up link :18dBm-Downlink: 20dBm
Port VSWR:≤1.8DB
Noise figure:≤6dB
Ambient temperature:-15??i>
Gain:-Up link: Gp≥40dB-Downlink: Gp≥45dB
Function:-Power supply LED denote-Export power LED denote
I/O impedence: 50Ω/N connector
Transmission delay:≤0.5μs
Power supply: AC110-240V
Coverage area: 100Sqm
Size: 170mm×105mm×30mm
AC adaptor
Indoor Antenna
Outdoor Antenna
Coaxial cable1 (5m)
Coaxial cable2 (10m)
User manual
Note:Please be clear about which frequency you want to boost. You must check your local Mobile Frequency range and choose the booster as per your required Frequency. Please check your country’s Mobile Frequency here. http://worldtimezone.net/gsm.html
high quality gps jammer device
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item: High quality gps jammer device | Cell Phone Signal Booster for GSM 900MHz
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