Compact House Mini Mobile Cellphone Signal Amplifier ETS300 609-4
Compact House Mini Mobile Cellphone Signal Amplifier ETS300 609-4
  Compact House Mini Mobile Cellphone Signal Amplifier ETS300 609-4   Description:   1. Provide quick coverage solution for small signal weak & block zones. 2. Compact size, low consumption, easy installation, great cover. 3. Cover about 500~1000 sq.m without block or obstruct. 4. High linear design, low interference to BTS. 5. Manual gain control function.   Specifications:   Model      TE-9018A   TE-9018B TE-9018C Frequency range Uplink     890-915MHz/ 1710-1785MHz Downlink  935-960MHz / 1805-1880MHz Gain (dB) Uplink GSM Gp≥55; DCS Gp≥50; GSM Gp≥65; DCS Gp≥55; GSM Gp≥45; DCS Gp≥50; Downlink GSM  Gp≥60;  DCS Gp≥55; GSM  Gp≥70;  DCS Gp≥60; GSM Gp≥40;  DCS Gp≥50; Gain adjustable MGC≥30dB Output power ≥20dBm ≥20dBm ≥20dBm Pass band ripple ≤10dB I/O impedance 50Ω/N Connector I/O return loss ≤-8dB Noise figure ≤-8dB Intermodulation attenuation (Po=13dBm)     ≤-40dBc Transmission ≤0.5μs Ambient -10℃~50℃ Power supply AC110~240V±10%   45~55Hz Reliability To the GB6993-86 standard Electromagnetic To the ETS300 694-4 standard Function a) Power supply LED denote  b) Export power LED denote RF Connector N-Female Size 228mm×106mm×33mm Weight                                                                                 Competitive Advantage:   1. High system gains 2. Full duplex and double-end design, external power supply, and convenient installation 3. ALC technology with auto-steady function adopted. 4. Provide power indication and uplink and downlink indications. 5. With the amplified linear power, the intermodulation and spuriousness are suppressed effectively. 6. The electromagnetic compatibility conforms to ETS300 609-4 standards. 7. The electromagnetic compatibility conforms to ETS300 609-4 standards.   Applications:     Our mobile signal booster(mini repeater) is specially designed for the blind zones of offices, family rooms, factories, bars, supermarkets, underground parking garage,etc, where the signal is very poor, or in spite of full mobile signals on the mobile phone, there is a break in voice leading to call clarity problem. Simply place the mobile phone booster in such places, you'll be astonished with the huge gain in both the incoming reception and outgoing transmission levels as the mobile signal booster goes to work!

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