High power audio jammer , GSM / DCS / 3G / WIFI High Frequency Jammer Mobile Phone Network Jammer
GSM / DCS / 3G / WIFI High Frequency Jammer Mobile Phone Network Jammer
![GSM / DCS / 3G / WIFI High Frequency Jammer Mobile Phone Network Jammer](http://www.signaljammerdevice.com/photo/pc8612504-gsm_dcs_3g_wifi_high_frequency_jammer_mobile_phone_network_jammer.jpg)
anti -bomb cell phone jammer for gas station,GSM/DCS/3G/WIFI
Signal Jammer for Gas Station (DZ-101P-B)
Technique characteristics:
1. Taking use of super-high frequency and mini-power interference technology. High efficiency.
2. Effectively making subsections. Just interfering downlink and no interception on the base station.
3. Extreme portability. The weight for machine itself and antenna is just 150g.
4. Low power consumption. Working time for machine is about 2-3 hours. Supplied power by battery.
5. Slow start up design of circuit. These elements can maintain the stable operation condition with high integration.
The jammer adopts DC 5v power supply. It is equipped with a precision voltage regulator circuit, even if the voltage fluctuation is changeable, it also won't affect the normal work .
Host cooling structure of shell is by professional design. It can endure high temperature environment, by transferring heat quickly to the heat exchange surface, avoid heat local accumulation.
The style is concise, beautiful, generous but not breaking vogue.
it is suitable for use in school examination rooms, prisons, clubhouses and government departments.
Output interface
Shield band of frequency
RF output power
Output power/channel
Power supply:AC100~240V/ DC5V Shielding area: 5~40m(-75dBm for signal)
Power consumption: about 30W Weight: about: 12.5 Kg
Side(length × wind × high):300×270×180mm
Competitive Advantage:
1. with good cooling system, can operate for long time.
2. Perfect Alarm System, fully protected circuit in case of disconnection of antennas.
3. shielding all 2G, 3Gsignals, frequencies can be customized by customers.
4. this jammer can be customized as 5 or 6 or 8 bands.
1. Conference room, auditoriums, law court, library, exam room, school, cinema, theater, museum, hospital etc.
2. Places where using mobile phones is prohibited such as Service Station, Security Services, Military Units, Border Patrol and Drug Enforcement, Customs, etc.
high power audio jammer
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item: High power audio jammer , GSM / DCS / 3G / WIFI High Frequency Jammer Mobile Phone Network Jammer
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