Portable Multi Band High Power VHF UHF Jammer for Military and VIP Vehicle Convoy Protection
Portable Multi Band High Power VHF UHF Jammer for Military and VIP Vehicle Convoy Protection
Product Description The Portable Multi Band High Power VHF UHF Jammer is specially customized to accommodate a fully integrated broad band jamming system which provides the ultimate solution for Military and Police convoys or VIP protection. The 6 modules are controlled separately and they also can work simultaneously. Each module with antenna can be used as a single jammer. The pelican case of the jammer is portable. It can be carried like a suitcase. The jammer can be fixed in car and temporary occasion. The Frequency band is optional. And the high power jammer is with excellent heat dispersion. Technical Specifications Walky-talky (VHF); Cellular NMT: 135-155MHz Walky-talky (VHF); Cellular NMT: 155-175MHz Walky-talky (UHF/300MHz): 300-350MHz Walky-talky (UHF/350MHz): 350-400MHz Walky-talky (UHF/400MHz): 400-440MHz Walky-talky (UHF/450MHz) Cellular NMT Cellular CDMA 450: 440-480MHz Total Output Power: 300W Control: Each band can work independently Housing: Waterproof & shockproof design suitable indoor or outdoor use Dimension: 56*46*27 cm Total System Weight: Approx 60 kg (with omnidirectional antennae.) Humidity: Up to 80% Operation Temperature: -20 ...+50 Centigrade degree Antenna Type: 6pcs External (2-3dBi) omnidirectional (Standard) Accessories  Antenna Connecting line Power Cable Note: The jamming distances we mentioned on website are for customer’s reference only. The actual jamming distance will be varied depending on the signal strength and the use location and if full charges, etc.

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item: Hard wired gps jammer for hidden gps - Portable Multi Band High Power VHF UHF Jammer for Military and VIP Vehicle Convoy Protection 4.9 39 votes