Gsm jammer china | Cell Phone Jammer Bag
Cell Phone Jammer Bag
Product Description
Cell Phone jammer Bag is a nifty and simple gadget for blocking your cell phone from receiving mobile calls.
When using this bag, your number appears as Unavailable or Network Busy for the person calling you. Make it easier for you to stay out of touch when you need some quiet time. The bag also includes an extra pocket for money or your favorite phone accessory.
The cell Phone jammer Bag works with all networks and is extremely easy to use. Simply place your phone into the bag and all calls to you will not get through. It is great for meetings, hospitals, and those people wanting to protect their privacy.
At a Glance...
Block all cell Phone Signals and all frequencies World Wide.
Work as soon as the phone is in the bag, stop blocking the signal once you remove the phone.
Can also be used on the iPhone and HTC Desire
Blocks all cell phone signals and all frequencies World Wide
Caller Will See Phone as Unavailable or Network Busy
Dimension: 104mm x 93mm x 4mm (L x W x D)
Manufacturer Ref: 85TUS5WTFQ2J
Cell Phone Jammer Bag
Note: The jamming distances we mentioned on website are for customer’s reference only. The actual jamming distance will be varied depending on the signal strength and the use location and if full charges, etc.
gsm jammer china
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item: Gsm jammer china | Cell Phone Jammer Bag
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