Cell Phone Signal Booster (Dual Band GSM 900MHz/1800MHz)-EU
Cell Phone Signal Booster (Dual Band GSM 900MHz/1800MHz)-EU
Product Description Features Low or no mobile signal inside your room, forcing you to make calls while leaning out a window? Stuck in a 2 year contract but can’t use your phone at home or work? Miss loads of calls because you have to leave your phone in one place to get signal? Well no longer with the worldwide use Cell Phone Signal Booster (Dual Band GSM 900MHz/1800MHz). How does it work? Long story short, this Cell Phone Signal Booster introduces a revolutionary, patent-pending technology that captures low-signals from outside, brings it inside, enhances/boosts it, then extends that signal back out to create a large, high-signal cell phone zone. To prove it works perfectly, our product tester locked himself inside a metal shipping container coated on the inside with alluminium foil. His cell phone was left with 0 bars, but what happened when we turned on the Cell Phone Signal Booster? You got it - full bars and a perfect signal. Who is it useful for? This Cell Phone Signal Booster is usually used in an area of the country where cell phone signals are normally weak, or locations where signals may be hard to reach, like basements, car parks, and tunnels. Due to its coverage area of up to 800 square meters, this Cell Phone Signal Booster has also found tremendous popularity in large areas owned by private businesses, such as supermarkets, cinemas, hotels, airports, etc. When you are in a normally low-signal zone, buying a new cell phone won’t do anything. What you need is this Cell Phone Signal Booster (Dual Band 900MHz/1800MHz) for maximum bars and excellent reception. It even includes everything you need to get it up and running and is suitable for mobile networks worldwide (dual band 900/1800MHZ). Order now and we’ll ship it out to you tomorrow. Brought to you by alljammer., the leader in consumer electronics. At a Glance... Instantly boost your cell phone signals! Dual band GSM (900MHz/1800MHz) for worldwide use Up to 800 square meter working range Comes ready to go - no need for anything extra! Powerful solution at an affordable price Technical Specifications Frequency range:-Up link GSM 890-915/DCS1710-1785(MHz)-Downlink GSM 935-960/DCS1805-1880(MHz) Coverage: 500-800m2 (Distance will reduced when obstacles are in the way i.e. surrounding walls) Gain(dB):-GSM/DCS Up link 65/55-GSM/DCS Downlink 70/60-Gain adjustable range MGC≥30dB Guard band rejection-GSM (BW-60dB)-DCS (BW-60dB) Power supply: AC110~220V 45~55Hz Dimensions: Signal Booster: 160 x 121 x 22 mm (L x W x D) Product Notes Long range cell phone signal booster! Up to 800 square meters! This device is for GSM 900 and 1800 MHz signals only. Please check frequency your country uses before purchasing   Note:Please be clear about which frequency you want to boost. You must check your local Mobile Frequency range and choose the booster as per your required Frequency. Please check your country’s Mobile Frequency here. http://worldtimezone.net/gsm.htm


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