Gps,xmradio, jammer walmart , 1000W Vehicle Mounted Jammer Remote Control Signal Jammer 20-3000MHZ
1000W Vehicle Mounted Jammer Remote Control Signal Jammer 20-3000MHZ
20-3000MHZ,full bands Vehicle Mounted high power signal Jammer, with wire control
1000W Digitial VIP Protection Bomb Jammer DZ-101VIP-1000
The DZ-101VIP-1000 is a high power jammer designed for blocking remote controlled improvised explosive devices used by terrorist.
The jammer is constructed to block continuously and simultaneously up to ten frequency bands.
Its smart active cooling system enables non-stopped use even in a very hard climatic and weather condition.
The user-friendly system is integrated into a trolley type weatherproof and shockproof pelican case1620.
Frequency bands include all the cellular phone system, Wifi / Satellite system optional (Or any customerized frequency bands from 20-3000 MHz)
The system use Broadband Omni-Directional antennas for 360º protection.
Because of the variety of jamming targets and a wide range of uncertainties, we have adopted the more advanced and effective jamming signal modulation method, which will increase the jamming efficiency in each band, so that to provide security protection and ensure the safety of VVIPs.
Frequency Range
Output Power
500-1000 MHz
50 dBm
1000-1500 MHz
50 dBm
1500-2000 MHz
50 dBm
2000-2500 MHz
50 dBm
2500-3000 MHz
50 dBm
20-500 MHz
50 dBm
851-894 MHz
51.3 dBm
925-960 MHz
51.3 dBm
2110-2170 MHz
51.3 dBm
2400-2500 MHz
51.3 dBm
Power Supply:AC220V or AC220V,or DC28V
Jamming radius: 50-500M depending on the specific signal strength
Power Consumption: 3000W Host Weight :45Kg
Host Size(L×H×W)::640×400×400 mm
Humidity: 30%-95% Working temp: -10 to +55 degree Celsius
Competitive Advantage:
1. with good cooling system, can operate for long time.
2. Using digital interference technology, overall effective suppression of target spectrum.
3. independent module design. Each module can separate switch,disassemble. So it is convenient for maintenance and update.
4. Use the wired control.With the control panel,we can adjust the output power and frequency in the boot state for each
module.It is convenient for operating and personnel management.
5. Perfect Alarm System, fully protected circuit in case of disconnection of antennas.
1. VIP convoy protection
2. Military camp
3. Government building
4. Police Checkpoints
5. Bomb disposal and vehicle mounting for military complexes.
6. Filed Operation activity
gps,xmradio, jammer walmart
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item: Gps,xmradio, jammer walmart , 1000W Vehicle Mounted Jammer Remote Control Signal Jammer 20-3000MHZ
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