Gps rf jammer ebay | WiFi Bluetooth Jammer with Range adjustment
WiFi Bluetooth Jammer with Range adjustment
Product Description
Jamming time starts from now on, from here, from this one- WiFi Bluetooth Jammer with Range adjustment. It will stop your long time of troubles in the continuous dins of cell phone rings. No noises anymore and get back your peaceful time again.
Smart volume only for palm size, you can easily take it to anywhere you like or need. The Built-in rechargeable battery can be used for 1.5 hours outdoor. Thus, you have no need to worry about its no power when you need to take it away with you for some important things. This device is with adjustable ranges to fit different environment, the Switching power adaptor input can be used for a long time out of your expectations.
What are you waiting for? Right here is to start your jamming journey.
Jamming Frequency: 2.4GHz (2400-2500)
Power: Built-in rechargeable 650mA battery pack 7.2V DC, 12V DC 1A power adaptor
12V DC, 1A switching power adaptor
Output power: about 100mW.
Antenna: Patch type swivel type 360 degree rotary adjustment and 90 degree adjustment.
Effective range: Up to 10 meters in front of the antenna without interfering with the backside of antenna, depending on the type and strength of signal source.
Size: L 142 x W 71 x T 24 mm
WiFi Bluetooth Jammer
Power adaptor
Note: The jamming distances we mentioned on website are for customer’s reference only. The actual jamming distance will be varied depending on the signal strength and the use location and if full charges, etc
gps rf jammer ebay
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item: Gps rf jammer ebay | WiFi Bluetooth Jammer with Range adjustment
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