China New Product! RF Jammer Hottest Products on The Market, 6 Antennas Band Cellular +WiFi+GPS+Lojack+Vuh+UHF Radio+433+315MHz - China Portable Cellphone Jammer, GPS Lojack Cellphone Jammer/Blocker
China New Product! RF Jammer Hottest Products on The Market, 6 Antennas Band Cellular +WiFi+GPS+Lojack+Vuh+UHF Radio+433+315MHz - China Portable Cellphone Jammer, GPS Lojack Cellphone Jammer/Blocker
Basic Info Model NO.: CPJ3050 Size: 220X 202X 60mm Weight: 0.75kg Portable Wireless Block - WiFi Jammer: Portable Wireless Block - WiFi, Bluetooth Wireless Video Audio Jammer: Wireless Video Audio Jammer Items: Built-in Antenna Mobile &WiFi &GPS Jammer, Signal 2ggsm850MHz: 851-894MHz 2gdcs1800MHz: 1805-1880MHz 3G2100MHz: 2110-2170MHz 4glte2600MHz: 2620-2690MHz WiFi2.4G Jammer: 2400-2483MHz Trademark: Necom-telecom Transport Package: Ployfoam and Carton Specification: CE, ROSH Origin: Shenzhen China HS Code: 8543892090 Product Description New Product! RF Jammer hottest products on the market,6 Antennas Band Cellular +WiFi+GPS+Lojack+Vuh+UHF Radio+433+315MHz Please contact with us at:Mr.JerryMobile:+86-13603042894 Portable 6Bands Cell phone,Wi-Fi,Lojack,GPS Jammer/Blocker:CPJ-30501Basic features*Compact Size and easy carry* Multiple bands ,Individual channel on/off selector switches*Long battery life (>1.5hours)*VSWR Protect high effiency power amplifiers* Good cooling system with cooling fan inside*Could be used in Vehicle directly, With car chargerTechnical SpecificationsModel NoOutput PortFrequency RangeOutput powerRemarks CPJ-3050GSM850850-894Mhz27dBmused in the United States, Canada, Mexico ,S. America. Europe, Asia, Australia, Middle East, Africa.GSM900925-960Mhz27dBmGSM18001805-1880Mhz27dBmGSM19001920-1990Mhz27dBm3G21002110-2170Mhz27dBm4GLte700Mhz690-806 MHz27dBmWi-Fi 2.4G2400-2483Mhz27dBm4G Lte26002600Mhz270dBm Optional FrequencyLojack173.03MhzWe can Configured in accordance with customer requirementsCDMA450430-450/460-470MhzGPS/GLONASSL1:1575.42Mhz L2: 1227.60MhzWireless Camera1.2G ,2.4GCar remote control433Mhz,315MhzRF Power Output:3 WattProtection Radius: Typical 2-20m@according the signal density mobile networkJammer type: Sweep JammingApplication Type: meeting rooms, conference rooms, museums, galleries, theatres, concert halls, churches, temples, restaurants, classrooms, training centers, factories, banks, trains, bus , hospitals, gas stations and more, Please do field test first to make sure no interference happened to the normal operation of their equipment and instrumentAntenna Type: Omini-DirectionalPower Source: Rechargeable Li-Lon Battery /AC adapter (100 to 240V AC -DC12V) and 12V car charger PlugElectric Filed (SAR): Compatible with ICNIRP Standards(Human safe)Operating Temp: -20 to +50ºCStorage Temp:-40 to +60ºCDimension(LXWXH): 220x 202x 60mmweight:0.75kg  

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item: Gps repeater jammer walmart - China New Product! RF Jammer Hottest Products on The Market, 6 Antennas Band Cellular +WiFi+GPS+Lojack+Vuh+UHF Radio+433+315MHz - China Portable Cellphone Jammer, GPS Lojack Cellphone Jammer/Blocker 4.4 37 votes