Gps repeater jammer alabama - Ce RoHS Certificate China Manufacturer New Product with Cooling Fan Jammer for Cell Phone, Jammer Cell Phone - China Signal Jammer Blocker, Electronic Products Online Cell Phone Jammer
Ce RoHS Certificate China Manufacturer New Product with Cooling Fan Jammer for Cell Phone, Jammer Cell Phone - China Signal Jammer Blocker, Electronic Products Online Cell Phone Jammer
Basic Info
Model NO.: CPJ303
Size: Antennas off -113*60*31mm (L X W X D);
Gross Weight: 0.775kg;
Color: Sky Blue;Black
Gpsl1: 1500-1600MHz
Gpsl2: 1220-1230MHz
Gpsl3: 1200-1210MHz
Gpsl4: 1250-1280MHz
Gpsl5: 1170-1180MHz
Trademark: Necom telecom
Transport Package: Ployfoam and Carton
Specification: CE ROHS
Origin: Shenzhen China
HS Code: 8543892090
Product Description
ce rohs certificate china manufacturer new product with cooling fan jammer for cell phone,jammer cell phonePlease contact with us at:Mr.JerryMobile:+86-13603042894 Full-Function Handheld GPS tracking system Jammer. Mini size and lightweight mobile phone jammer is good for shipping. Each specified frequency bands will be jammed at the same time or separately. Good cooling system with built-in fan can completely meet the thermo dispersion request. The blockers are widely used for vehicle, military, and security services. Specification:Item model#: CPJ303Frequency:GPSL1:1500-1600 MHz;GPSL2:1220-1230 MHz;GPSL3:1200-1210MHz;GPSL4:1250-1280 MHz;GPSL5:1170-1180MHz;Total output Power: 2.5 watt;Radius range:10-15M @ depending on the mobile service provider’s network condition;Power supply: AC110-240V 12V;Built-in Battery:1800mA/h;Battery: Built in Rechargeable Li-ion battery;Battery time: 1 hour to 90 minutes;Signal source: Synthesized Operation;Temperature: -10ºC to +50ºC;Humidity: 5% to 80%;Color: Sky blue;Dimension: Antennas off -113*60*31mm (L x W x D);Net Weight: 0.275Kg;Gross Weight: 0.775Kg;
gps repeater jammer alabama
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item: Gps repeater jammer alabama - Ce RoHS Certificate China Manufacturer New Product with Cooling Fan Jammer for Cell Phone, Jammer Cell Phone - China Signal Jammer Blocker, Electronic Products Online Cell Phone Jammer
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