China High Power Handheld Portable Phone Signal Jammer/Blocker, Mobile Signal Jammer, Phone Blocker for All 2g, 3G, 4G Cellular, Lojack, GPS, GSM, WiFi 6 Bands - China Signal Jammer/Blocker, Signal Jammer
China High Power Handheld Portable Phone Signal Jammer/Blocker, Mobile Signal Jammer, Phone Blocker for All 2g, 3G, 4G Cellular, Lojack, GPS, GSM, WiFi 6 Bands - China Signal Jammer/Blocker, Signal Jammer
Basic Info Model NO.: CPJ30503 430-450/460-470MHz: GPS/Glonass L1:1575.42MHz L2: 1227.60MHz GSM1800MHz+GSM1900MHz:1805-1990MHz;: 4G Wimax:2345-2400MHz or 2620-2690MHz; 4G Lte:725-770MHz;: Gpsl1:1575MHz; Dimensions(L×w×h): 133×75×359mm Trademark: Necom-telecom Transport Package: Ployfoam and Carton Specification: CE ROHS Origin: Shenzhen China HS Code: 8543892090 Product Description High Power Handheld Portable Phone Signal Jammer/Blocker, Mobile Signal Jammer, Phone Blocker for All 2g, 3G, 4G Cellular,Lojack,GPS,GSM,WiFi 6 BandsContact:Ms.aprilMobile:+86 159 8672 6024Powerful handheld GSM CDMA 3G/4G cellPhone WiFi ,Lojack,GPS Signal Blocker / Jammer, it can block 5-25meter.Incredibly lightweight and multifunction jammer, low-power consumption design with Omni-directional Antenna, it also can used for automobile, with car charger,Long life lithium battery, dissipating heat for inside fan, adjusting the channel with switches is the selling point to enjoy good reputation in the market.Model NoOutput PortFrequency Range Output powerRemarks CPJ-3050GSM850850-894Mhz27dBmused in the United States, Canada, Mexico ,S. America. Europe, Asia, Australia, Middle East, Africa.GSM900925-960Mhz27dBmGSM18001805-1880Mhz27dBmGSM19001920-1990Mhz27dBm3G21002110-2170Mhz27dBm4GLte700Mhz690-806 MHz27dBmWi-Fi 2.4G2400-2483Mhz27dBm4G Lte26002600Mhz270dBm Optional FrequencyLojack173.03MhzWe can Configured in accordance with customer requirementsCDMA450430-450/460-470MhzGPS/GLONASSL1:1575.42Mhz L2: 1227.60MhzWireless Camera1.2G ,2.4GCar remote control433Mhz,315MhzSpecifications:Item#:CPJ305003 for all 2G (CDMA/GSM)/3G/4GWimax cell phones+gpsFrequency:1. GSM800MHz+GSM900MHz:851-960MHz;2. GSM1800MHz+GSM1900MHz:1805-1990MHz;3. 3G2100:2110-2170MHz;4. 4G WIMAX:2345-2400Mhz or 2620-2690Mhz;5. 4G LTE:725-770MHz;6. GPSL1:1575MHz;Output Power each band: 0.5W/27dBm;Total Output Power:3 Watt;Covering Radius Range: 5-20M.(Depending on the mobile service provider’s network condition);Channel Switches: Multiple bands,Individual channel on/off selector switches;Antenna:Omni-directional antenna;Built-in Li Battery:4000mA/h;Continue using time:120minutes;  AC Charger: AC220V/110V input. DC 12V output; Car Charger: Car Cigarette Lighter 12VDC input,Cooling System: Built-in cooling fan;Operation temperature: 0-50;Humidity: 5%-80%;Weigth: 600 gDimension:74mm*(L)*29mm(D)*119mm(H) (not include antennas); Dimensions(L×W×H):133×75×359mm;The Frequency as below is Optional:GSM800MHz:851-894MHz;GSM900MHz:925-960MHz ;GSM800MHz+GSM900MHz;GSM1800:1805MHz-1880MHz;GSM1900MHz:1920-1990MHz;GSM1800MHz+GSM1900MHz;3G2100MHz: 2110-2170Mhz;4G LTE 700MHz:725-770MHz;Wi-Fi/Bluetooth/Wlan: 2.4G:2400MHz-2483MHz;4G WIMAX: 2345-2400MHz or 2620-2690MHz;  Lojack:167MHz-175MHz;CDMA450MHz:450MHz-460MHz;GPSL1/Glonass:1575.42MHz;GPSL2/Glonass:1227.60MHz;Wireless Camera 1.2G :1100-1200MHz;Wireless Camera 2.4G: 2400MHz-2483MHz;Remote Control:433MHz/315MHz/868MHz;VHF:135MHz-175MHz;UHF:435MHz-475MHz; 

gps jammer why study dance

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item: Gps jammer why study dance - China High Power Handheld Portable Phone Signal Jammer/Blocker, Mobile Signal Jammer, Phone Blocker for All 2g, 3G, 4G Cellular, Lojack, GPS, GSM, WiFi 6 Bands - China Signal Jammer/Blocker, Signal Jammer 4.3 32 votes