Brief Case Portable Signal Jammer 3-5watt Per Band Built In Ups Battery
Brief Case Portable Signal Jammer 3-5watt Per Band Built In Ups Battery
    Brief Case Portable Signal Jammer 3-5watt Per Band Built In Ups Battery         1..The jammer adopts 2 hours battery for keep continuous working.     2. With heat sink and cooling fans ,ensures the jammer  a long time continuous operation.     3.with a display  to show the voltage and current.   4.output power of each band can be adjustable.   5.with LED to show the status of the battery.      Specifications:   Output interface Shield band of frequency RF output power Output power/channel CH1 2110-2170 MHz 36 dBm 12 dBm/30KHz(min) CH2 2620-2690 MHz 36 dBm 10 dBm/30KHz(min) CH3 925-960MHz 36 dBm 14 dBm/30KHz(min) CH4 1920-1990 MHZ 36 dBm 13 dBm/30KHz(min) CH5 2400-2500 MHz 36 dBm 10 dBm/30KHz(min) CH6 1500-1600MHz 36 dBm 11 dBm/30KHz(min) CH7 1805-1880MHz 36 dBm 13 dBm/30KHz(min) CH8 2300-2400MHz 36 dBm 10 dBm/30KHz(min) CH9 2125-2140MHz 36 dBm 10 dBm/30KHz(min) CH10 851-894MHz 36 dBm 13 dBm/30KHz(min) Power supply: DC24V Shielding area: @ according to signal density of mobile network Power consumption: 150W Weight: 8Kg Size(length × wind × high):600×500×310mm Humidity: 30%-95% Running Temperature: -20 to +55 Celsius Degree           Featrues:   1.Easy to carry.It is a portable model ,similar like a brief case. 2.Effective output power(channel power) to insure big jamming radius; 3,This kit is easy to install and use.   4..shielding all 2G, 3G,4G signals, frequencies can be customized by customers.     Applications:   1. meeting room, Prisons, law court, library, exam room,museum, hospital etc. 2. such as Service Station, Security Services, Military Units, Border Patrol and Drug Enforcement, Customs, etc.  

gps jammer testing

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