Gps jammer cig lighter , Portable Cell Phone Jammer (30 meters)
Portable Cell Phone Jammer (30 meters)
![Portable Cell Phone Jammer (30 meters)](
Product Description
JM166709 is a small RF power jammer with handbag design.
The jammer is designed to protect VIP person or special agent. It is developed on explicit requests of the military and governmental institutions around the world.
This jammer offers an effective blocking range that can reach about 30 meters depending on environmental conditions. It is easy to carry out to neutralize all kinds of cellular phones’ signal and the jammer is also protected in a famous handbag from sands, water, all kinds of harm etc.
Besides, this jammer can be configured to fit any operational demand by installing additional connectors and different types of antennas, power input sources, etc.
At a Glance:
Good design for heating ventilation
Special design with inner aluminum housing
Lithium battery can support 2 hours’ operating
Can support use while charging the battery
-851/869 ~ 894 MHz
-925/936 ~ 965 MHz
-1800 ~ 1990 MHz
-2110 ~ 2170 MHz
-450 ~ 470 MHz
Output power: 3W (each band)
Antenna: Omni Antenna-integrated
Range: 20 ~ 30 meter distance
Battery operation time: 2 hours
Power adaptor Input Voltage: AC100V ~ 250V, 50Hz ~ 60Hz
Weight: 5 Kg (System + Battery)
Dimension: 47 x 11 x 36 cm (Lx W x H)
Power adaptor
User manual
Note: The jamming distances we mentioned on website are for customer’s reference only. The actual jamming distance will be varied depending on the signal strength and the use location and if full charges, etc.
gps jammer cig lighter
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item: Gps jammer cig lighter , Portable Cell Phone Jammer (30 meters)
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