Gps jammer Victor harbor , 5-Band Portable Cell Phone Signal Blocker Jammer
5-Band Portable Cell Phone Signal Blocker Jammer
Product Description
Although this era is an era belongs to the cell phones and computers, there are still many places where cell phone use is not permitted, such as the meeting room, tribunal, and classroom and so on. Besides, cell phones are strictly prohibited in those confidential places to avoid the leak of the confidentiality. Although we cannot let everybody keep their mobile phones off, we can install the cell phone signal blocker jammer to solve this problem. Regarding this point, we are excited to recommend you this 1~10m 5-Band Portable Cell Phone Signal Blocker Jammer.
This is a perfect device for all those areas that require quietness and seriousness to help keep undisturbed and confidential. With the special design, this powerful Portable Cell Phone Signal Blocker Jammer can give you magical effect you never experienced before. Compatible with 3G/GSM/CDMA, this 5-Band Portable Cell Phone Signal Blocker Jammer is designed to be placed either on a table top or inconspicuously on ceilings.
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Isolating Signal Bandwidth:
- CDMA/GSM: 860-970MHz
- DCS/PHS: 1805-1930MHz
- 3G: 2110-2170MHz
Single Output Power: +30dBm/1W
Power Input: AC110V-240V
Power Output: DC8V 3000mAh
Temperature: -40 to +55?i>
Jamming Range: Radius 1~10 meters (Cellular signal must ≤-85dBm in the location), the jamming radius still depends on the strength signal in given area
Safety Regulation: AC Adapter UL (E190582) CSA (LR112971 Level 3)
Relative Humility: ≤90%(RH)
Air Pressure: 86~106kPa
Dimension: 110 x 62 x 30mm (Not Include Antenna)
Weight: 300g
AC adaptor
Car adaptor
Note: The jamming distances we mentioned on website are for customer’s reference only. The actual jamming distance will be varied depending on the signal strength and the use location and if full charges, etc.
gps jammer Victor harbor
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item: Gps jammer Victor harbor , 5-Band Portable Cell Phone Signal Blocker Jammer
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