Gps jammer Sunny Isles Beach - China New Handheld 8 Bands 3G 4G Phone Jammer - Lojack Jammer - GPS Jammer, Alarm Jammer with Portable Cases - China Cell Phone Signal Jammer, Cell Phone Jammer
China New Handheld 8 Bands 3G 4G Phone Jammer - Lojack Jammer - GPS Jammer, Alarm Jammer with Portable Cases - China Cell Phone Signal Jammer, Cell Phone Jammer
Basic Info
Model NO.: CPJP8
Cell Phone Signal Jammer: Cell Phone Signal Jammer
2ggsm850MHz: 851-894MHz
3G2100MHz: 2110-2170MHz
4glte700MHz: 725-770MHz
4glte2600MHz: 2620-2690MHz
WiFi2.4G: 2400-2483MHz
Lojack: 173MHz
Gpsl1: 1500-1600MHz
Gpsl2: 1220-1230MHz
Remote Control: 433MHz315MHz868MHz
Trademark: Necom-telecom
Transport Package: Ployfoam and Carton
Specification: CE ROHS
Origin: Shenzhen China
Product Description
New Handheld 8 Bands 3G 4G Phone Jammer - Lojack Jammer - GPS Jammer,alarm jammer with portable casesContact:Mr.JerryPhone +86-13603042894Handheld 8 band cellphone,wifi ,gps, remote control jammers with Omni directional antennas .very small and easy to carry to everywhere, it’s portable design for hand-held with wide frequencies cover, each band have their own switch, you can turn them off separately according to your requirements. Inside rechargeable li-ion battery can work 2-5 hours continuously, and also you can charge by AC adapter at home or by car charger. Widely functional range are including the wireless signal, such as phone, GPS, WIFI, Car, walkie talkie and ect.Specifications:CPJ-P803 jamming for 2g/3g/4g cellphone ,gpsl1,wifiBand 1:851-894Mhz;Band 2:925-960Mhz,;Band 3:1805-1880Mhz;Band 4:1930-1990Mhz;Band 5:2110-2170Mhz;Band 6:GPSL1-1575Mhz;Band 7: 4G-2620-2690mhz;Band 8: Wifi/Bluetooth2.4G;RF Power Output:3.5 Watt;Protection Radius: Typical 2-20m@-80dBm according the signal density mobile network;Channel Switches: Multiple bands ,Individual channel on/off selector switches;Jammer type: Sweep Jamming;Antenna Type:Omini-Directional; Power Source : Rechargeable Li-Lon Battery /AC adapter (100 to 240V AC -DC12V) and 12V car charger Plug;Battery:Li Battery AC110/220V-DC12/2500mA/h;Car charger and Charger Adapter; Continue using time:120minutes;Electric Filed (SAR):Compatible with ICNIRP Standards(Human safe);Humidity: 5%-80%;Operating Temp:-20 to +50ºC;Storage Temp:-40 to +60ºC;Dimension:74mm*(L)*29mm(D)*119mm(H) (not include antennas);Dimension(LXWXH): 240x 202x 65mm;weight:0.8kg; Model# CPJ-P801 jamming for Cellular phones+GPS+Wi-Fi+LojackFrequency:1)CDMA&GSM:850 to960MHz; 2)DCS&PCS: 1805 to 1990MHz; 3)3G: 2110 to 2170MHz; 4)Wi-Fi: 2400 to 2483MHz; 5)GPS:1570-1580MHz (GPSL1); 6)4G WIMAX: 2620-2690 MHz; 7)4G LTE:790-821MHz; 8)LOJACK:160-175MHz; CPJ-P802 jamming for 2g/3g/4g all type cellphone and wifi/buletooth Band 1:851-894Mhz;Band 2:925-960Mhz;Band 3:1805-1880Mhz;Band 4:1930-1990Mhz;Band 5 :2110-2170Mhz;Band 6: 4G-WIMAX:2345-2400Mhz;Band 7: 2620-2690Mhz 4G or LTE:725-770MHZ;Band 8: Wifi/Bluetooth; CPJ-P803 jamming for 2g/3g/4g cellphone ,gpsl1,wifiBand 1:851-894Mhz;Band 2:925-960Mhz,;Band 3:1805-1880Mhz;Band 4:1930-1990Mhz;Band 5:2110-2170Mhz;Band 6:GPSL1-1575Mhz;Band 7: 4G-2620-2690mhz;Band 8: Wifi/Bluetooth2.4G; CPJ-P804 jamming for 2g/3g cellphone,lojack,remote control Band 1:851-894Mhz;Band 2:925-960Mhz;Band 3:1805-1880Mhz;Band 4:1930-1990Mhz;Band 5 :2110-2170Mhz;Band 6: 433Mhz;Band 7: 315Mhz;Band 8: Lojack; Item#:P8Frequency for your optional:GSM800MHz:851-894MHz;GSM900MHz:925-960MHz;GSM800MHz+GSM900MHz;GSM1800:1805MHz-1880MHz;GSM1900MHz:1920-1990MHz;GSM1800MHz+GSM1900MHz;3G2100MHz: 2110-2170MHz;4G LTE 700MHz:725-770MHz;Wi-Fi/Bluetooth/Wlan: 2.4G:2400MHz-2483MHz;4G WIMAX: 2345-2400MHz or 2620-2690MHz; Lojack:167MHz-175MHz;CDMA450MHz:450MHz-460MHz;GPSL1/Glonass:1575.42MHz;GPSL2/Glonass:1227.60MHz;Wireless Camera 1.2G :1100-1200MHz;Wireless Camera 2.4G: 2400MHz-2483MHz;Remote Control:433MHz/315MHz/868MHz;VHF:135MHz-175MHz;UHF:435MHz-475MHz;
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item: Gps jammer Sunny Isles Beach - China New Handheld 8 Bands 3G 4G Phone Jammer - Lojack Jammer - GPS Jammer, Alarm Jammer with Portable Cases - China Cell Phone Signal Jammer, Cell Phone Jammer
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