MiNi GSM 900 10dBm+ Cell Phone Signal Booster
MiNi GSM 900 10dBm+ Cell Phone Signal Booster
Product Description What you are looking at is the MiNi GSM 900 10dBm+ Cell Phone Signal Booster, which is the best solution for the place lacks of cell phone signals! Compact designed, the MiNi GSM 900 10dBm+ Cell Phone Signal Booster provides you with great performance! This Cell Phone Signal Booster product can improve both outdoor and indoor electromagnetism environments. Adopts high quality material, the Cell Phone Signal Booster is great in durability and reliability! Besides, this MiNi GSM 900 10dBm+ Cell phone signal Booster can help to reduce radiation of cell phones and protract cellular battery life, and improve GSM voice communication quality and reduce the rate of drop calls. Small item with great use, do not miss it!Best choice is here waiting for you!Features: Works for 890~960Mhz signal range Designed to amplify GSM 900 cell phone signals Requires outdoors antenna to operate (F-cable connector) Extends cell phone coverage to areas that have poor or no cell phone signal The 10dBm Cell Phone Signal Repeater is designed to amplify GSM 900 cell phone signals   The 10dBm Cell Phone Signal Repeater works for 890~960Mhz signal range High quality material makes the Cell Phone Signal Repeater durable and reliable for long time use Specifications: Frequency range:Uplink  890-915MHZ  Downlink 935-960MHz Gain ( dB):Uplink  Gp≥45 Downlink   Gp≥50 Export power (Po):≥10dBm Pass band rippleL:≤3dB I/O impedance:50Ω/N connector Noise figure:≤4dB Transmission Delay:≤0.5μs Ambient temperature:-10?? ~ +60?? Power supply:AC110~220V   45~55Hz Size:160 x 60 x 20 mm(L x W x H) Reliability:To the GB6993-86 standard Function a) Power supply LED denoteb) Export power LED denote Coverage area:50 m2 Product Notes: If still no signal receipt after activated booster, please check if outdoor antenna point to signal tower or elsewhere have strong signal and check if strength achieve -70DBM. Please adjust the direction of outdoor antenna if it cannot call out If strength is not steady, please check if outdoor and indoor antenna are too close. Please ensure the outdoor and indoor antenna have distance of 20 meters at least ,with a wall between and net a same horizontal line The distance between the outdoor antenna and the amplifier is not more than 30 meters The outdoor Antenna not close to a large antenna, high-voltage lines, transformers, or metal mesh, etc. The distance between the indoor antenna and the amplifier is not more than 40 meters The indoor antennas do not close to the wall as far as possible in order to increase the coverage area The indoor antenna and the outdoor antenna are advised to stay away from each other for more than one floor distance to prevent cyclic signal amplification If lack of communication quality, please change the installation position of the outdoor antenna and adjustment the indicate direction of antenna It is best to enclose waterproof tape at the junction, and prevent moisture narrow the indoor signal coverage area Try to straight the cable, do not bend more than 90 degree Accessories: Cell Phone Signal Booster Indoor Antenna Outdoor Antenna Power Adapter Coaxial Cable 2M Coaxial Cable 10M Indoor Antenna Accessories and Screws User Manual  Note:Please be clear about which frequency you want to boost. You must check your local Mobile Frequency range and choose the booster as per your required Frequency. Please check your country’s Mobile Frequency here.

gps jammer Saugerties

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item: Gps jammer Saugerties | MiNi GSM 900 10dBm+ Cell Phone Signal Booster 4.1 45 votes