Gps jammer New Port Richey | 8W WIFI jammer with IR Remote Control (IP68 Waterproof Housing Outdoor design)
8W WIFI jammer with IR Remote Control (IP68 Waterproof Housing Outdoor design)
Product Description
With the IP 68 standard, this Waterproof Cell Phone Jammer could completely prevent dust and it can be dipped into the water. Cell phone jammers are devices that create a temporary "dead zone" to all cell phone traffic in their immediate proximity. Jammers are typically used by the police and military to control or disrupt communication between hostage situations and bomb threats.
At a Glance:Designed to cut off wave only in the downlink band width, therefore, it doesn’t affect any interference to base station and repeater
Remote ControlIP68 Waterproof Housing Outdoor design
TX frequency:
-2.4 ~ 2.5 GHz(WIFI2.4)-5.1 ~ 5.9 GHz(WIFI5.8)
Cover interface standards: 802.11 a/b/g
Total output power: BRP 8W
Antenna: Patch Antenna Gain 6 dBi of each band
Jamming range: distance 50-60 M (for WiFi), 40-50 M (for Video)
Automatic switching power supply 50/60 Hz AC 100 ~ 240V to DC 24V
Device Dimension: 28.5cm (L) x 27 cm (W) x 9.5cm (H)
Weight: 2.5kg
Operating temperature: -10 ~ +60°C
Storage Temperature: -30 ~ +70°C
Humidity: 95% non-condensing
Inner hands carry Box: 39.5 x 33 x 17
Power adaptor
Note: The jamming distances we mentioned on website are for customer’s reference only. The actual jamming distance will be varied depending on the signal strength and the use location and if full charges, etc.
gps jammer New Port Richey
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item: Gps jammer New Port Richey | 8W WIFI jammer with IR Remote Control (IP68 Waterproof Housing Outdoor design)
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