Mobile Phone Signal Detector- 40 Meter Range + wireless eavesdropping as well as videotaping equipment
Mobile Phone Signal Detector- 40 Meter Range + wireless eavesdropping as well as videotaping equipment
Product Description Features Small size, easy to take and operate Made of high-intensity and quality anti-jamming alloy, durable Used to detect the wireless wiretap in car, office, conference room, bathroom, hotel, government and so on Check the electromagnet in working place Large range of detecting frequency Good compatibility High sensitivity, adjustable scope Technical Specifications Main TX Frequency: 800-1000MHz, 1800-2000MHz Radius range (m): Up to 40 meters Detecting sensitivity: Detecting dynamic range: 70Db Indicate mode: 9 levels LED luminescence indication/voicing instruction Power:  9V laminated battery Function: High sensitivity, scope adjustable, large range of detecting frequency With high sensitivity and covering more than 40M, listen into Used for Army and police, Government Dept Note: The jamming distances we mentioned on website are for customer’s reference only. The actual jamming distance will be varied depending on the signal strength and the use location and if full charges, etc.

gps jammer Mirrabooka Perth

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item: Gps jammer Mirrabooka Perth - Mobile Phone Signal Detector- 40 Meter Range + wireless eavesdropping as well as videotaping equipment 4.3 30 votes