Gps jammer Lancaster - Portable Jammer for Cell Phone,WIFI,Bluetooth (PC Adjustable)
Portable Jammer for Cell Phone,WIFI,Bluetooth (PC Adjustable)
![Portable Jammer for Cell Phone,WIFI,Bluetooth (PC Adjustable)](
Product Description
This is a small pocket size multiband jammer with PC adjustable frequencies and it prevents the operation of cell phones, Wi-Fi and Bluetooth devices by radiating noise interference.
Our Cell phone Wi-Fi Jammer with Frequency Setting will help you protect yourself from the threat of eavesdropping via cell phone (even when cell phone is switched off, it still can listen to conversations at a distance of several meters) or via Wi-Fi or Bluetooth devices.
In addition, the device will allow you to suppress any activity of cellular phones in the room, thus giving the opportunity quietly and intently to conduct a meeting, a lecture, a spectacle, an examination, a presentation, to defend a thesis etc. Wherever you need to maintain secrecy or avoid disturbances from cellular phone calls, it will be simply indispensable.
This jammer has 3 separate channels designed to operate in GSM-850/ CDMA-850/ GSM-900/ DCS-1800/ PCS-1900/ CDMA-1900/ WCDMA-1900/ WCDMA-2100/ Wi-Fi/ or Bluetooth frequency bands. The user can reprogram the jammer by PC-software to be used in various combinations of these standards and even can tune SJ-004G to specific frequencies.
It is destined for personal use. It has small pocket size and doesn’t look like a regular jammer. Internal antennas make this model inconspicuous.
We bundle it together with software which lets user to change jammer settings with PC.
Software works on a PC with USB-port under Windows XP/ Vista/Windows 7/ Windows Server 2003. It has such features:
-To check current jammer settings
-To apply new settings to jammer
-Separately turn ON/ OFF frequency channels. (This feature lets us extend battery life when unused channel is switched off. Also it’s possible to increase output power of the jammer by using 2 channels simultaneously on the same frequencies.)
-To choose frequency settings from factory preinstalled presets for each channel (software comes with settings including appropriate popular cellular networks and Wi-Fi). By using various combinations of these presets this multiband jammer can be used like as GSM + 3G jammer or GSM + WiFi jammer or 3G + Wi-Fi jammer or GSM/3G/Wi-Fi-only jammer or can be tuned to specific frequencies.
-To use user presets separately for each channel. (There is an availability to tune the jammer to desired specific frequencies. User can select initial and final frequencies within the operational frequency range for each channel separately)
Have easy friendly graphical user interface. It’s very easy to switch the presets or change frequencies - only click to radio buttons or move sliders.
At a Glance:
The Jammer can be tuned to specific frequencies
3 separate channels
Frequency setting of the Jammer by PC software with friendly graphical user interface
Could block all of the mobile phone networks
Very easy-to-use
Built-in antennas
Built-in working & recharge condition indicators
Built-in high capacity rechargeable battery
Universal charging from PC USB or from charger
Designed for personal use
Portable compact handheld design
It doesn’t look like a regular jammer
Numbers of jamming channels: 3
Channel 1 TX frequency: 800 ~ 1000 MHz
Cover GSM-850/ CDMA-850 or GSM-900
Channel 2 TX frequency: 1799 ~ 2176 MHz
Cover DCS-1800 or PCS-1900/ CDMA-1900/ WCDMA-1900 or WCDMA-2100 (3G)
Channel 3 TX frequency: 1924 ~ 2492 MHz
Cover PCS-1900/ CDMA-1900/ WCDMA-1900 or WCDMA-2100 (3G) or Wi-Fi/ Bluetooth
Total output power: 0.9W (3 x 0.3W)
Number of factory presets: 8
Number of user presets: 1 for each channel
Antennas: Built-in
Jamming range: up to 8 meters (the signal must ≤85dBm in the location)
Continue using time: 45 min (3 channels are working)
Battery: 3.6V 1800mAh (Li-Polymer cell)
Charger: 100-240VAC 50-60Hz / 5VDC 0.5A or PC USB
Weight: 125g
Dimension: 105 x 70 x 25 mm
Operation temperature: -10…+55°C
AC Adapter
USB cable
Note: The jamming distances we mentioned on website are for customer’s reference only. The actual jamming distance will be varied depending on the signal strength and the use location and if full charges, etc.
gps jammer Lancaster
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item: Gps jammer Lancaster - Portable Jammer for Cell Phone,WIFI,Bluetooth (PC Adjustable)
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