Gps jammer Korea, Republic of , 34dBm / 31dBm Cell Phone Signal Jamming Device 2G / 3G / 4G Jammer With 8 Antennas
34dBm / 31dBm Cell Phone Signal Jamming Device 2G / 3G / 4G Jammer With 8 Antennas
8 antennas mobile phone signal Jammer, 2g / 3g / 4g jammer,health,no harm to body
This desktop signal jammer is with 8 output channels. Rf output power of each
channel is no less than 1 watt, effective shielding any cheating signal.
The jammer adopts DC 19v power supply. It is equipped with a precision voltage regulator circuit, even if the voltage fluctuation is changeable, it also won't affect the normal work .
Host cooling structure of shell is by professional design. It can endure high temperature environment, by transferring heat quickly to the heat exchange surface, avoid heat local accumulation.
The style is concise, beautiful, generous but not breaking vogue.
it is suitable for use in school examination rooms, prisons, clubhouses and government departments.
Output port
Average out-
putting power
Channel out-
putting power
851-894 MHz
925-960 MHz
1805-1990 MHz
2110-2170 MHz
2400-2500 MHz
1570-1580 MHz
400-470 MHz
136-174 MHz
Power supply: AC adapter (AC220V-DC19V)
Semidiameter of interception:2m-50m(depend on site signal strength and environment condition)
Working Hours:Continuously more than 24hours
Humidity: 30%-95% Running Temperature: -20 to +55 Celsius Degree
Competitive Advantage:
Design of soft-start circuit, this function can maintain the stable operation condition, avoid mechanical switch to produce lighter phenomenon.
with good cooling system, can operate for long time.
It is a high-tech product made by our company .it adopts foreign advanced technologyand imported components to ensure the quantity and stability.
Effectively making subsections of frequency spectrums, just interfering downlink and causing no interception of base station
Perfect Alarm System, fully protected circuit in case of disconnection of antennas.
Perfect Alarm System, fully protected circuit in case of disconnection of antennas.
1. Conference room, auditoriums, law court, library, exam room, school, cinema, theater, museum, hospital etc.
2. Places where using mobile phones is prohibited such as Service Station, Security Services, Military Units, Border Patrol and Drug Enforcement, Customs, etc.
gps jammer Korea, Republic of
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item: Gps jammer Korea, Republic of , 34dBm / 31dBm Cell Phone Signal Jamming Device 2G / 3G / 4G Jammer With 8 Antennas
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