Gps jammer Howell | VHF jammer,UHF blocker,UHF & VHF Immobilizer
VHF jammer,UHF blocker,UHF & VHF Immobilizer
Product Description
T132809 is newly developed UHF & VHF jamming device. Due to having a highly powerful blocking strength, this VHF and UHF jammer can guarantee your total protection of your privacy by means of blocking absolutely all walkie-talkie signals, remote controls, various audio bugs and other two way radio signals in just 10 seconds after it is on. And built-in cooler fans and compact but yet strong aluminum case makes this UHF VHF blocker possible to work 24/7.It’s very important to mention that this highly powerful UHF VHF jammer can block LoJack frequencies too because LoJack trackers work on 173.075 MHz.
At a glance...
Jams easily VHF and UHF signals
Disables absolutely any VHF and UHF gadgets
Operating range up to 30 meter
Equipped with 2 pcs fast fans. So it can operate 24/7
Causes no harm to human
Technical Specifications
Operating Frequencies:
VHF: 135 ~ 155 MHz
VHF: 155 ~ 175 MHz
UHF: 420 ~ 450 MHz
UHF: 451 ~ 480 MHz
Blocking Distance: approximately 5-30 meter
Output Signal Strength: every band is 10 watt, total output power is 40 watt
Power Supply: AC 110 – 240 V 2.5 A transferred to DC 24 V 5 A
Impedance: 50 ohm
Size: 230 mm x 17 mm x 58 mm
Weight: 3.5KG
Working Temperature: -10 - +60 degree (-59 - 140F)
VHF/UHF jammer
AC adaptor
User manual
Note: The jamming distances we mentioned on website are for customer’s reference only. The actual jamming distance will be varied depending on the signal strength and the use location and if full charges, etc.
gps jammer Howell
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item: Gps jammer Howell | VHF jammer,UHF blocker,UHF & VHF Immobilizer
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