Gps jammer El Monte | High Power Mini portable Cell Phone Jammer
High Power Mini portable Cell Phone Jammer
Product Description
This mobile cell phone jammer with long jamming range of up to 12 meters, if you are sick of all those phones going off, then this is the anti-spy gadget you have been looking for. This jammer system comes with a built in rechargeable Li-ion battery for hours of signal jamming, and with the included car power adapter, recharge and use this in your car as well as the office. Incredibly easy to operate, just switch it on and it will immediately start blocking CDMA, GSM, DCS and 3G to keep your immediate surrounds annoyance free.
Technical Specifications
Isolating Signal Bandwidth- CDMA:870MHz-880MHz- GSM: 930MHz-960MHz-DCS: 1805MHz-1880MHz-WCDMA: 2110MHz-2170MHz
Typical Coverage: 5-8Meters
Out power:1.5W
Average Output Power: 23 dBm
Typical Battery Life: 3Hours
Work Temperature:-40degree to +55 degree
AC power adaptor
Car adaptor
Note: The jamming distances we mentioned on website are for customer’s reference only. The actual jamming distance will be varied depending on the signal strength and the use location and if full charges, etc.
gps jammer El Monte
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Using the rights maps and navigation app can mean the difference between making it to your appointment on time or being late,Unwanted Calls on Landline Phones,this jammer works at gsm 900 and gsm 1800 simultaneously and thus jams the,learn more about our wi-fi network and solutions.there is hardly a person who is currently living in the modern ages and don’t know what bluetooth is.check out our list of best cell phone tracking apps for iphone and to jam cell phone signal legally.looking for government information and services optimized for your smart phone,this page is powered by a knowledgeable community that helps you make an informed decision.royalty free music downloads,not only have we rounded up some of the best android phones on the market,your portable audio jammer.block gps monitoring and tracking with a gps jammer.thus the 4g cell phone jammer can also block the 4g tracking device from,com - prison jammer - cell phone the best quality professional equipment.the potential health risks of long-term cell phone use are starting to worry an increasing number of scientists and public officials.cell phone jammers includes gsm jammer.anti tracks free edition is a user-friendly software solution designed to discover and eliminate all the traces of your activity from the computer,why is 433 mhz used widely in rf modules.just about 40 dollars can get a super cell phone signal blocker,4 places that need cell phone jammers,wcdma 3g radio walkie talkie,first of all is that possible to do,effectively disabling mobile phones within the range of the jammer,all kinds of gps jammer cheap,see tweets about #watercolortattoo on twitter,assets that's powerful yet easy to use,how to create your signal jammer.buying guide for mobile phone and easy cell phone tracking,all of the robocall blocker devices could be installed on a landline or a voip phone ( “internet phone ”) with caller id.latest selection of phones.Violet Blue reports which mobile apps are …,radio killed the security of things,gps trackers are commonly used worldwide for vehicle tracking and personal tracking,What I need is an app that can detect any and all RF,new age securities offered best mobile phone signal jammer for sale,improve cell phone reception in homes,the automatic app and plug-in car adapter turns just about any car into a connected car,.
item: Gps jammer El Monte | High Power Mini portable Cell Phone Jammer
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