China 6 Bands Remote Controlled 433, 315, 868MHz Signal Jammer, 3W 6antenna Signal Blocker, 20meters Handheld Cellphone Jammer - China Remote Controlled Jammer, Mobile Jammer
China 6 Bands Remote Controlled 433, 315, 868MHz Signal Jammer, 3W 6antenna Signal Blocker, 20meters Handheld Cellphone Jammer - China Remote Controlled Jammer, Mobile Jammer
Basic Info Model NO.: CPJ3050 Jamming Range: 20meters 2ggsm850MHz: 851-894MHz 3G2100MHz: 2110-2170MHz 4glte700MHz: 725-770MHz 4glte2600MHz: 2620-2690MHz Lojack: 173MHz Gpsl2: 1220-1230MHz Trademark: Necom-telecom Transport Package: Ployfoam and Carton Specification: CE ROHS Origin: Shenzhen, China HS Code: 8543892090 Product Description 6 Bands Remote Controlled 433,315,868MHz Signal Jammer, 3W 6antenna Signal Blocker, 20meters handheld Cellphone Jammer Model#CPJ3050Contact:Mr.JerryPhone:+86-13603042894 Powerful handheld GSM CDMA 3G/4G cellPhone WiFi ,Lojack,GPS Signal Blocker / Jammer, it can block 5-25meter.Incredibly lightweight and multifunction jammer, low-power consumption design with Omni-directional Antenna, it also can used for automobile, with car charger,Long life lithium battery, dissipating heat for inside fan, adjusting the channel with switches is the selling point to enjoy good reputation in the market. Specifications:Output Power each band: 0.5W/27dBm;Total Output Power:3 Watt;Covering Radius Range: 5-20M.(Depending on the mobile service provider’s network condition);Channel Switches: Multiple bands, Individual channel on/off selector switches;Antenna: 5piece Omni-directional antenna;Built-in Li Battery:4000mA/h/7.4VContinue using time:120minutes;  AC Charger: AC220V/110V input.A DC 12V output; Car Charger: Car Cigarette Lighter 12VDC input,Cooling System: Built-in cooling fan;Operation temperature: 0-50;Humidity: 5%-80%;Dimension:74mm*(L)*29mm(D)*119mm(H) (not include antennas); Dimensions(L×W×H):133×75×359MM;Weight:600g; Item#:CPJ305001 for all 2G 3G 4G mobile phone frequency;Frequency:Band 1:GSM850/CDMA800MHz:851-894MHz;Band 2:GSM900MHz:925-960MHz;Band 3:GSM1800MHz+GSM1900MHz:1805-1990Mhz; Band 4:3G2100MHz(UMTS/WCDMA): 2110-2170MHz; Band 5:4G WIMAX/Wi-Fi/Lte: 2345-2400MHz or 2620-2690MHz;  Band 6:4G LTE:725-770MHz; Item#:CPJ305002 for all 2G(CDMA/GSM)/3G/4GWimax cellphones+wifi;Frequency:Band 1: CDMA800MHz+GSM900MHz:851-960MHz;Band 2: GSM1800MHz+GSM1900MHz:1805-1990MHz;Band 3: 3G2100(UMTS):2110-2170MHz;Band 4: 4G LTE:725-770MHz;Band 5: 4G WIMAX:2620-2690MHz;Band 6: Wi-Fi 2.4G&4G WIMAX:2345MHz-2500MHz; Item#:CPJ305003 for all 2G (CDMA/GSM)/3G/4GWimax cell phones+gps;Frequency:Band 1: GSM800MHz+GSM900MHz:851-960MHz;Band 2: GSM1800MHz+GSM1900MHz:1805-1990MHz;Band 3: 3G2100:2110-2170MHz;Band 4: 4G WIMAX:2345-2400Mhz or 2620-2690Mhz;Band 5: 4G LTE:725-770MHz;Band 6: GPSL1:1575MHz;  Item#:CPJ305004 for all 2G (CDMA/GSM)/3G/4GWimax cell phones+lojack;Frequency:Band 1: GSM800MHz &GSM900MHz:851-960MHz;Band 2: GSM1800MHz+GSM1900MHz:1805-1990MHz; Band 3: 3G2100MHz: 2110-2170MHz; Band 4: 4G WIMAX: 2345-2400MHz or 2620-2690MHz;  Band 5: 4G LTE:725-770MHz;Band 6: Lojack:167MHz-175MHz; Item#:CPJ305005 for all 2G (CDMA/GSM)/3G/4GWimax cell phones+CDMA450;Frequency:Band 1:GSM800MHz+GSM900:851-960MHz;Band 2: GSM1800MHz+GSM1900MHz:1805-1990MHz; Band 3:3G2100MHz: 2110-2170MHz; Band 4:W-FI&4G WIMAX:2345-2400MHz or 2620-2690MHz;Band 5:4G LTE:725-770MHz;Band 6: CDMA450MHz:450MHz-460MHz;  Item#:CPJ305006 for 2G+3G+4G mobilephones+GPSL1+Lojack;Frequency:Band 1:GSM800MHz+GSM900:851-960MHz;Band 2: GSM1800MHz+GSM1900MHz:1805-1990MHz; Band 3:3G2100MHz: 2110-2170MHz; Band 4:GPSL1:1575Mhz;Band 5:Lojack:167MHz-175MHz;  Band 6:4G WIMAX: 2620-2690MHz; Item#:CPJ305007 for 2G+3G+4G mobilephones+GPSL1+Lojack+Wifi;Frequency:Band 1:GSM800MHz+GSM900:851-960MHz;Band 2: GSM1800MHz+GSM1900MHz:1805-1990Mhz; Band 3:3G2100MHz: 2110-2170MHz; Band 4:GPSL1:1575MHz;Band 5:Lojack:167MHz-175MHz; Band 6:4G WIMAX:2345-2400MHz or 2620-2690MHz;  Item#:CPJ305008 for all 2G 3G 2.4G+SpyCamera;Frequency:Band 1:GSM850/CDMA800MHz:851-894MHz;Band 2: GSM900MHz:925-960MHz;Band 3:GSM1800MHz+GSM1900MHz:1805-1990Mhz; Band 4:3G2100MHz(UMTS/WCDMA): 2110-2170MHz; Band 5:4G WIMAX/Wi-Fi: 2345-2400MHz; Band 6:Wireless Camera 1.2G :1100-1200MHz;   Welcome to Necom-telecom, we are jammer manufacturer for 8 years, hope our products are workable for your market. Professional manufacture following products:1)Portable Cell Phone Jammer/Blocker;2)Bloqueador Portable/Jammer;3)GPS Jammer;4)Wifi Jammer/Camera Jammer;5)UHF&VHF Jammer;6)High Power Cell Phone Jammer/Blocker; 7)Cellphone booster/repeater;8)RF signal detector; 2G,3G,4G, GPS, WIFI, VHF, UHF, 315, 433 ,Lojack all the frequency can be customized as your request!

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Only at less than 2 meters distance will the signal be,.
item: Gps jammer Cook , China 6 Bands Remote Controlled 433, 315, 868MHz Signal Jammer, 3W 6antenna Signal Blocker, 20meters Handheld Cellphone Jammer - China Remote Controlled Jammer, Mobile Jammer 5 12 votes