Gps jammer Connecticut | Professional Portable Prison Jammer Hand Held Cell Phone Jammers 3G
Professional Portable Prison Jammer Hand Held Cell Phone Jammers 3G
4 bands,handheld jamme / prison Jammer ,meeting room /office / police use
This is a portable type mobile phone signal shielding device .It is easy to carry, flexible to use, also with built-in high capacity battery . Full charged, it can last working about 90 minuters.
With leather case, can be tied at the waist or arm.
also can with optional car charger/adapter,it can be used in car ,battery charging from the cigarette lighter.
Type A:
Output Port
Frequency Range
output power
Channel output Power
Power supply: AC110V/220V-DC9V 4pcs Omnidirectional antennas
Output power: 3600mW Weight: 400g Size: 62*32*112mm
Working Hours: 2-3 hours long time work(Built-in Battery)
elative Humidity: 20%-95%, energy Consumption: 10w
Type B:
Output Port
Frequency Range
output power
Channel output Power
Competitive Advantage:
Easy to carry, portable design. With leather case, can be tied at the waist or arm.
with good cooling system, can operate for long time.
Multi bands cover all cellphone including 3G bands.
It can be used directly in the car with car adapter.
Full charged, it can last working about 90 minuters.
Importance Note:
1. To keep away from high temperature fire.
2. To keep way from Computer, TV, Radiogram etc when it is operation, otherwise, it makes disturbance.
3. To confirm weather antenna connect with output port well and frequencies is correct before you use cellular jammer, otherwise, it affect jamming radius.
4. The jammer use safe and reliable battery, if the battery can not use after many times charge, please change a new one battery.
office ,examination room,hospital and meeting room, etc.
It can be applied at office ,examination room,hospital and meeting room, conference room, museum, gallery, theatre, concert hall, church, temple, restaurant, classroom, training center, factory, bank, train, bus, etc.
For some locations of special purpose such as hospital, gas station, etc., please do field test first to make sure no interference happened to the normal operation of their equipment and instrument. It is easy to install and operate the device.
gps jammer Connecticut
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item: Gps jammer Connecticut | Professional Portable Prison Jammer Hand Held Cell Phone Jammers 3G
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