Portable Bomb Jammers(Manpack)
Model No.:JAM501
This Portable Bomb Jammers(Manpack) is a Portable Manpack Rf Jammers There are three types of the device:Portable cellphone jammers, Portable cellphone Wifi Jammers,Portable Cellphone GPS Jammers
Frequency Bands from 800-2500Mhz
Easy of mobility, Back-pack directly
Light in weight of case.About 15Kg. Easier to carry
Jams simultaneously up to 4selected frequency bands
Maximum RF output power up to 60Watt
Antennas type: high gains omni-directional antennas (Standard) for all bands.(Directional antennas are also optional)
Power source: Internal battery (DC) & AC mains (external) both
Built-in battery back-up. Full system operation for up to 3Hours from internal rechargeable battery
High Power RF amplifiers with VSWR and temperature self-protection technology
Product Details:
JAM501 Manpack is a state-of-the-art efficient cellular /Satellite mobile phone jammer designed for bomb disposal security applications, like Troop marching and filed operation.The jammer is constructed to block continuously and simultaneously up to four frequency bands
Its smart active cooling system enables non-stopped use even in a very hard climatic and weather condition
The user-friendly system is packed into a artistic-design and durable backpack housing
Frequency bands include all the cellular phone system or Satellite system optional
RF output power up to 60Watt
It is up to 4 frequency bands. 3 bands or 4 bands are optional
Choice of Frequency bands from 800-2500 MHz
Bomb disposal and troop marching for military complexes
Filed Operation activity
Special Police Authorities
VIP convoy for security purpose
Large conference ,Infantry units, military security forces, SWAT teams, anti-terror units, anti-drug units, riot control teams, checkpoint personnel, hostage negotiators and border control agents
gps jammer Clarksville
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item: Gps jammer Clarksville - PORTABLE BOMB JAMMERS(Manpack) CHINA SUPPLIER FACTORY
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