Gps jammer Campbelltown , China Four Band Isolators Jamming for 2g/3G All Type Cellphones, and WiFi/Bluetooth Cpj204001 - China 2g/3G All Type Cellphones and WiFi Blockers, WiFi or Wireless Camera Blockers
China Four Band Isolators Jamming for 2g/3G All Type Cellphones, and WiFi/Bluetooth Cpj204001 - China 2g/3G All Type Cellphones and WiFi Blockers, WiFi or Wireless Camera Blockers
Basic Info
Model NO.: CPJ204001
Trademark: NecomTelecom
Specification: CE, ISO
Origin: Shenzhen, China
HS Code: 8543892090
Product Description
Portable Black color 4 bands cell phone jammers with 4pcs Omni-directional antenna can block 2G/3G cell phone, and WIFI, Bluetooth. Palm sized are highly portable and easy to carry. Reasonable design can’t affect normal work and other equipment when press the switch OFF/ON for other frequency. The effective range can up to around 25 meters. Long life battery can work for a long time. We can charge everywhere by AC or car charger.Please contact with us at:Mr.Jerry Item model#:CPJ204001 Jamming for 2G/3G all type cellphones,and wifi/BluetoothBand 1:GSM/CDMA:851-894MHz;Band 2:DCS/PCS: 1805-1990MHz;Band 3:3G2100MHz: 2110-2170MHz;Band 4:WIFI:2400-2500MHz(Wireless Camera 2.4G: 2400MHz-2483MHz;);Blocking System:Nextel, Wi-Fi, AMPS, TACS, NMT, GSM, DCS, CDMA, PDC, TDMA, PHS, IDEN, W-CDMA, UMTS, 3G;Frequency:Wi-Fi: 2400-2500Mhz;CDMA/GSM: 850-960 MHz;DCS/PCS: 1805-1990 MHz;3G: 2110-2170 MHz;Total output Power: 2 wattRadius range: 5-20M@ -75dBm depending on the mobile service provider’s network condition;Power supply: AC110-240V 12V car power plug;Built-in rechargeable Battery:2000mA/h;Built-in battery working time: 90minutesTemperature: -10ºC to +50ºCAntenna: 4pcs Omni-directional antennaColors: BlackPackage information:Device Size: 109*61*30mmPackage Size: 210*152*85 mmGross Weight: 0.75KgItem model#:CPJ204001 for cell phone +wifiBand 1:GSM/CDMA:851-894MHz;Band 2:DCS/PCS:1805-1990MHz;Band 3:3G2100:2110-2170MHz;Band 4:WIFI:2400-2500MHz(Wireless Camera 2.4G: 2400MHz-2483MHz;);
gps jammer Campbelltown
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item: Gps jammer Campbelltown , China Four Band Isolators Jamming for 2g/3G All Type Cellphones, and WiFi/Bluetooth Cpj204001 - China 2g/3G All Type Cellphones and WiFi Blockers, WiFi or Wireless Camera Blockers
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