High Power Car Remote Control Jammer (270MHZ/ 315MHz/ 390MHZ/433MHz, 50 meters)
High Power Car Remote Control Jammer (270MHZ/ 315MHz/ 390MHZ/433MHz, 50 meters)
Product Description This High Power Car Remote Control Jammer can effectively block signals of car and garage door remote controllers at 270MHZ/ 315/ 390MHZ/433MHz. With additional feature of TV and toy vehicle remote jamming, you are available to your quiet areas. Different from other jamming devices, there is a more convenient feature for it that is you can use it directly after approaching the energy. What are you hesitating about? Order one directly from here, which is the real reason why you come here. More discounts or surprises are waiting here for you. High Power Car Remote Control Jammer Specifications: Frequency Jammed: 270MHZ/ 315/ 390MHZ/433MHz (+/- 2MHz) Power Supply: DC 9-12V Operating Range: UP to 50 meters radius Working current200mA Dimension: 120*77*30mm Color: Black Accessories: Car Remote Control jammer Power adaptor Buy one more power adaptor here Note: The jamming distances we mentioned on website are for customer’s reference only. The actual jamming distance will be varied depending on the signal strength and the use location and if full charges, etc.

gps jammer Boisbriand

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item: Gps jammer Boisbriand - High Power Car Remote Control Jammer (270MHZ/ 315MHz/ 390MHZ/433MHz, 50 meters) 4.2 42 votes