Gps jammer Apartment | Wireless Phone Signal Jammer + 50 Meters 2.85
Wireless Phone Signal Jammer + 50 Meters 2.85
Product Description
The Wireless Signal Jammer is high technology product designed for the mobile communication as the mobile phone makes people upset in some serious occasions. And it can prevent the lawbreaker to use the mobile phone in the detention house.
As shown in the picture, it uses the aluminium alloy wire drawing case. The total output power is 10W. And you should install the antennas as to the channel label. Otherwise, the Wireless Signal Jammer will be hot when it’s working.
It can block the GSM, CDMA, DCS and 3G signals up to 50 meters. In the blocking area, people can’t make or receive the call with the cell phone. But don’t worry. It will not interfere with other education equipments. The Wireless Signal Jammer will do no harm to people’s health. And as the mobile phone is out of the coverage, it can return to be normal in operation.
The jammer weighs 2.3kg and the dimension is L30*W25*H9 cm without the antennas. The working time is about 24 hours. It can be applied in the colleges, government constitutions, meeting rooms, music halls and thearter. And the detention house, prison and gas station can also use the jammer.
Technical Specifications
Jamming Area: Up to 50meters (Depends on signal strength, at the site to be jammed)
Cellular Systems:
Option A for American Market:
CDMA: 850-894MHz
GSM: 925-960MHz
PCS/DCS: 1805-1990MHz
3G: 1990-2170MHz
Option B for Europe Market:CDMA: 869-894MHzGSM: 925-960MHzDCS: 1805-1880MHz3G: 2110-2170MHz
Power Adapter: Input AC160V-240V, DC5V
Total Output Power: 10Watt
Dimension: Product Antennas off: L 30x W 25x H 9 cm
Package: L 45x W 30x H12 cm
Product weight: 2.3kg
Package weight: 2.85kg
Working Time: 24 hours/ 7 Days
Relative Humidity: 20%--95%
Working Temperature: -40~ +55 deg C
Antennas installation: Install the antennas corresponding to the channel label. If not, the jammer will be very hot when it works
Power adapter
Remote control
Note: The jamming distances we mentioned on website are for customer’s reference only. The actual jamming distance will be varied depending on the signal strength and the use location and if full charges, etc.
gps jammer Apartment
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item: Gps jammer Apartment | Wireless Phone Signal Jammer + 50 Meters 2.85
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