Digital tv jammer | 3G / LTE / WIMAX Mobile Phone Signal Jammer / Blocker / Shield AC110V - 240V
3G / LTE / WIMAX Mobile Phone Signal Jammer / Blocker / Shield AC110V - 240V
6 Band ,600w high power mobile phone signal Jammer / Blocker /Shield
DZ101H-600w cubical cell phone signal jammer is mainly used for large-scale open area outdoor mobile communication signal shielding, is mainly used for large-scale prison playground, lawns, squares, etc., to eliminate security risks and disadvantages caused by mobile phones.
Equipped with special high gain directional planar antenna or fiberglass omni-directional whip antenna, the jammer can effective block CDMA/GSM/DCS /3G/ LTE/WIMAX .
Use the overseas advanced chip and technology . With independent modular design, it keeps high operation efficiency, and avoid mutual interference.
100 watts per band, total RF power 600 watts, also with power adjustable switches to control the radius range. It is suitable for prisons, detention houses, military bases, large oil fields and all other outdoor places where need the signal to block.
Output interface
Frequency Range
Band Width
Output Power
Channel Output Power
DCS 1800
1805-1880 MHz
75 MHz
50.5 dBm
20 dBm/30KHz(min)
GSM 900
925-960 MHz
35 MHz
50.5 dBm
23 dBm/30KHz(min)
CDMA 800
850-894 MHz
44 MHz
51 dBm
24 dBm/30KHz(min)
PCS 1900
1925-1990 MHz
65 MHz
50.5 dBm
20 dBm/30KHz(min)
CDMA 450
463-467.5 MHz
4.5 MHz
50.5 dBm
19 dBm/30KHz(min)
3G 2100
2110-2170 MHz
60 MHz
50.5 dBm
21 dBm/30KHz(min)
Power Supply: AC220V Shielding area: 100-500M @ according to signal density mobile
Power consumption: 600W Weight: 28Kg Side(length× wide× high): 450× 405× 255 mm
Note: Frequency and power can be customized.
System fittings
System fittings consist of block package, panel antenna, antenna connecter lines (cable and N connecters) etc. 4 modules are responsible respectively for CDMA, GSM, DCS, 3G, which controls adjustment of output power, power switcher, as well as kinds of alarms( over heating and VSWR) .
It contains 6 modules(CH1~CH6). Each module can adjust power, warning standing wave indicator and warning temperature indicator separately.
Directional Board antenna
Frequency: 925~960MHz/1805~1880MHz, 851~894MHz/1925~1990MHz
Gain: 12-15dBi
Interface: N
Competitive Advantage:
1. with good cooling system, can operate for long time.
2. Using digital interference technology, overall effective suppression of target spectrum.
3. independent module design. Each module can separate switch,disassemble. So it is convenient for maintenance and update.
4. Perfect Alarm System, fully protected circuit in case of disconnection of antennas.
1. To protect the the owner's benefits by cutting off the mobile phone signal
2 .For the needs of the army and military
3. For the guard place, prison use
4. For big party concourse
5 .For the leaders security use
digital tv jammer
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item: Digital tv jammer | 3G / LTE / WIMAX Mobile Phone Signal Jammer / Blocker / Shield AC110V - 240V
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