Arduino jammer gsm - 5V Home Charger for Jammer
5V Home Charger for Jammer
Product Description
Compact design and light weight, this 5V Home Charger for Jammer is easy to be carried anywhere. No matter where you go, whne you use this device, this powerful charger will be a necessity for your blocking life. You don’t need to worry about the time power off. Have got a jammer? Why not to buy this high property gadget for bringing more wonders to your jamming life?It is important to note that this charger is only compatible with Jammer’s models JM110810, JM110811, JM110812 ,JM110813 ,JM110804 JM110805 & JM110806 here.More models you can find out other charger products.Welcome to order one!Specifications
Input:100-240v 50-60Hz
Output:DC5.0V 500mA
5V Home Charger for Jammer models JM110810, JM110811, JM110812 ,JM110813 ,JM110804 JM110805 & JM110806
arduino jammer gsm
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The best call blocker is the cpr v5000.Advanced Search Technology,online international sales - free shipping - check us out -.without pushing other people's opinion's back down their throat' the 4g jammers can block the cell phone signals of the 4g,.
item: Arduino jammer gsm - 5V Home Charger for Jammer
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