Bluetooth / Wifi One Band Wireless Signal Jammer Mobile Jammer Device 50W &100W
Bluetooth / Wifi One Band Wireless Signal Jammer Mobile Jammer Device  50W &100W
one band wireless signal jammer,bluetooth or wifi jammer ,frequency can be chosen.   Description:   DZ101H - 1, a new signal shielding device , mainly for strengthening the shielding of single frequency, making up for the small models cannot reach to the desired effect.   Flexible application of spectrum arbitrary choice, means the frequency can be customised as customer’s request.   Use the overseas advanced chip and technology . With independent modular design, it keeps high operation efficiency, and avoid mutual interference   With power adjustable switch and function of protection, mainly used in the exam schools, prisons, etc.   BTW , the output power could be designed as 50watts or 100watts.and the band could be customised as WIFI jammer,Bluetooth jammer,GSM jammer.etc.   Output interface Shield band of frequency RF output power Output power/channel CH1 851-894 MHz 47 dBm 17 dBm/30KHz(min) CH2 1805-1880 MHz 47 dBm 14 dBm/30KHz(min) CH3 2110-2170 MHz 47 dBm 15.5 dBm/30KHz(min) CH4 2100-2170 MHZ 47 dBm 15.5 dBm/30KHz(min) CH5 925-960 MHz 47 dBm 17.5 dBm/30KHz(min) Power supply: AC220V -DC 28V Shielding area: 30-200M @ according to signal density of mobile network Power consumption: 150W  Weight: 8Kg  Size(length × wind × high):220×115×110mm Humidity: 30%-95%                   Running Temperature: -20 to +55 Celsius Degree   Specifications:   the frequency could be designed as below ,but just one band one frequency.   Competitive Advantage:   with good cooling system, can operate for long time. Using digital interference technology, overall effective suppression of target spectrum.  Perfect Alarm System, fully protected circuit in case of disconnection of antennas.    Applications:  prison  examination room  detention houses  oil fields.  Museums   Drug Enforcement  Secret Services    

Remote Control 4G Jammer

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